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  • Writer's pictureCF Vests Worldwide

CF Vests Worldwide is working to donate a Hill Rom or RespirTech Cystic Fibrosis vest to Teo and Vanja living in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This will be the FIRST Cystic Fibrosis vest donated to CF patients in that country.

"Our journey with cystic fibrosis has been challenging and emotionally draining before we discovered CF Vests Worldwide. We have two children with cystic fibrosis, which required extra attention and care. Our experiences included frequent hospital stays, intensive therapy, and a constant struggle with breathing and infections.

Every day brought its own challenges and worries, but before we found CFVWW, we didn't know that there was an organization like them that donates vests, which could ease the process of physiotherapy and lung health maintenance."

Have a Hill Rom or RespirTech vest or portable oxygen concentrator to donate to Cystic Fibrosis patients? Please contact me.

321 vests and 8 portable oxygen concentrators donated to CF patients in 59 countries.

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